Redes Energéticas / Power Networks

0.itemzero Portfolio
Service: Editorial coordination, Book design, Cover design, Print Production Management.
Client: REN
Power Networks
Daniel Malhão
A commission from REN and the photographer Daniel Malhão, Power Networks is a photographic essay on Portugal’s energy infrastructure. The book consists in an array of visual microstories, where generation, transformation and location highlight the travelling nature of electricity.
In spite of the instant nature of energy, Power Networks is a slow-paced book: its large format, sparse spreads and contemplative pauses – along with the single weight and size textual support contents – contribute to a careful pacing. Engineering and ingenuity slowly reveal themselves as the protagonist, as a mark imprinted in the monumentality of the machinery and infrastructure.

Title Redes Energéticas, Power Networks
Subtitle A photographic survey, 2015-2017
Author Daniel Malhão
Type Photography
Date 2017
Publisher DMF + REN
Photography Daniel Malhão
Editorial Coordination and Design 0. itemzero
Graphic Design 0. itemzero
Format 273 x 330 mm
Pages 168
Binding Smyth-sewn
Cover Standard Flat Spine Hardcover
Prepress, Printing and Finishing Gráfica Maiadouro