Pensar a Cidade 2005 — 2015

0.itemzero Portfolio
Service: Editorial coordination, Book design, Cover design, Print Production Management.
Client: João Pedro Costa
Pensar a Cidade,
2005 — 2015
A crítica da crítica
Pensar a Cidade is a collection of articles on urban planning from João Pedro Costa at Jornal Arquitecturas, juxtaposed with commentaries by other members of the Portuguese architecture community.
This juxtaposition is emphasised by featuring both article and response in the same spread, each on its page. To respond to such a brief, a larger format was required, in order to accommodate two columns per page. On the other hand, the format shouldn’t extend to a volume that would require a table to be read, since the body size required to accommodate the length of the articles lives around handheld sizes.
Also – and due to the reasons above –, a flexible cover and a generous opening was picked. A Smyth-sewn four-crease paperback cover, offset printed in metallic brown on dark grey paper, a subtle but lush sheen that reacts to the viewing angle. The book block is printed in black on a yellowish tinted paper, to minimise glaring during extensive reading.

Title Pensar a Cidade 2005 — 2015
Author João Pedro Costa
Type Architecture
Editorial Coordination and Design 0. itemzero
Format 202×270 mm
Pages 224
Binding Smyth-sewn
Cover Four-crease Paperback, Offset metallic brown ink on dark grey paper
Prepress, Printing and Finishing Gráfica Maiadouro